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Ongoing and Completed Projects

Publish on : 2022-10-26, Wed

Ongoing and Completed Projects


·         Ministry of Education and Science Research program, Kazakhstan, (Sept 2023 - Dec 2024)

External Principal Investigator

Bat-Wings-Inspired Waveform Dual-band RADAR to Detect, Classify, and Rectify Disturbances (Interference/Intrusion) for Secure and Robust Multi-RADAR Environment ($150,000)


·         Nazarbayev University Collaborative Research Grant, Kazakhstan, (Jan 2022 - Dec 2024)

External Principal Investigator

Development of AI Integrated Randomly Hoped LFM Photonics RADAR for Mitigating Interferences and Attackers in Autonomous Vehicles ($450,000)


·         Nazarbayev University Collaborative Research Grant, Kazakhstan, (Jan 2021 - Dec 2023),

Co-Principal Investigator

Development of 40 Gbps Memory Access Solutions for Next Generation Computing Systems and Application ($150,000)


·        Samadhan Engineering, (2020- 2021),

Principal Investigator

Development of STEAM-Based Education System ($2000)


·         Innovative Farm and Research Project (Aug 2020-Dec2020),

Principal Investigator

Design of the hydroponics system for the urban areas ($1000)


·         University Grant for Photonics microwave, (May 2019– April 2021)

Principal Investigator

Reconfigurable microwave generation, hoping and switching using SMFP-LDs ($10,000)


·         National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), China (Jan 2017 – Dec 2018)

Principal Investigator

Read/Write operation in WDM enabled all-optical multi-bit memory with multi-lambda injection in Single Mode Fabry-Perot Laser Diode ($60,000)


·         University Grant for Photonics microwave, China (Feb 2017 – Jan 2019)

Principal Investigator

Multiple simultaneous microwave generation using SMFP-LDs ($10,000)


·        KAIST Selected Projects (March 2014 – Dec 2014), KOREA,


Photonics Bio-sensor with a wireless power supplied opto-electrochemical biosensor to cloud via IPv6 for project Dr. M ($60,000)


·      Sumitomo, Japan Industrial Project (Aug 2012 – Dec 2014),


2x1 WSS and wavelength blocker


·       Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), Korea (Feb 2012 – Aug 2012)


Short Pulse optical switching with 10 Gbps ($60,000)


·       Korean Government National Project, KOREA (2008 –2013)


Applications of FP-LDs in optical networking