[46] Bikash Nakarmi*, Bai Yan Song, Chunacy Fang, Xiangchun Wang, Ukash Nakarmi, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, and Shilong Pan, "Photonically Generated Frequency Hopped Linear Frequency Modulated Signal using a DFB Laser" IEEE/OSA journal of Light wave Technology, 2022
[45] Chuanqi Fang, Vivek Raj Shrestha, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, Guanghui Ren, Bikash Nakarmi*, and Shilong Pan, "Ultra-compact wideband filter with sidelobe suppression based on double modulated grating-assisted microring resonator",, 2022
[44] Hao Cehn, Limin Zhang, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, Bikash Nakarmi*, and Shilong Pan*,"RF Multipier Based on Harmonic-Locked SMFP-LD followed by OEO Structure",IEEE Access Vol.10, 2021, 2021
[43] Hao Chen, Muyong Lee, Y. H. Won, Bikash Nakarmi*, Shilong Pan*, "High-speed Switchable Dual-passband Microwave Photonic Filter with Dual-Beam Injection in an SMFP-LD",IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 39, Issue 24, 2021, 2021
[42] Muyoung Lee, H. Chen, B. Nakarmi*, S. L. Pan, and Yong Hyub Won*, "Multi-Band Linear Frequency Modulation in External Cavity FP-LD Subjected to Multi-Input Injection", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 33, Issue 11, 2021, 2021
[41] Nazym Alipbayeva, Dauren Beissenkhanov, Bikash Nakarmi*, and Ikechi A. Ukaegbu*, “High-speed Thermo-optic Micro Ring Resonator Based Digital Half Adder”, OSA Continuum, accepted, 2022, 2022
[40] H. Chen, B. Nakarmi*, and S. L. Pan, “Multi-band LFM Signal with Unidentical Bandwidths Subjected to Optical Injection in a DFB Laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 33, Issue 8, March, 2021, 2021
[39] H. Chen, P. Zhou, L. Zhang, S. Bassi, B. Nakarmi*, and S. L. Pan, “Reconfigurable Identical and Complementary Chirp Dual-LFM Signal Generation Subjected to Dual-beam Injection in a DFB Laser,” OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, May 2020., 2020
[38] Muyoung Lee, B. Nakarmi, and Yong Hyub Won, “Dynamics of optical injection in external cavity-based FP-LD for wide tunable microwave signal” Optics Express, vol. 18, issue 15, April, 2020., 2020
[37] Foo Kui Law, M Rakib Uddin, Chen Chen Teo, Bikash Nakarmi, “ Digital electro-optical full adder design and simulation” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 52, Issue 5, Springer, June 2020, 2020
[36] Foo Kui Law, M Rakib Uddin, Angie Teo Chen Chen, Bikash Nakarmi, “ Positive edge triggered JK flip flop using silicon based micro ring resonator” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 52, Issue 6, Springer, June 2020, 2020
[35] Azhigulov, D., Nakarmi, B. & Ukaegbu, I.A. High-speed thermally tuned electro-optical logic gates based on micro-ring resonators. Opt Quant Electron 52, 412, 2020., 2020
[34] B. Nakarmi*, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, Hao Chen, Y. H. Won, and S. L. Pan, “Writing 10 Gbps Data Bits with Addressing Using External Cavity Based SMFP-LDs” IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, Vol. 25, issue 6, 2019, 2019
[33] H. Chen, B. Nakarmi*, M. Rakib-Uddin, and S. L. Pan*, “Optical Behavior Analysis of Negative Wavelength Detuning in SMFP-LD and its Effect on Multi-RF Generation” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, no. 5, 5502811, Oct. 2019, 2019
[32] B. Nakarmi*, H. Chen, Y. H. Won, and S. L. Pan*, “Microwave Frequency Generation, switching and Controlling Using Single Mode FPLDs” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.36, no. 19, 2018, 2018
[31] B. Nakarmi*, S. L. Pan*, and Y. H. Won, “Simultaneous Generation of Multi-Band Signals Using External Cavity Based Fabry-Perot Laser Diode,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.66, no. 1, pp. 606-617, Jan. 2018, 2018
[30] B. Nakarmi*, H. Chen, M. Lee, Y. H. Won, and S. L. Pan, “Injection with Negative Wavelength Detuning for Multi-Spectrum Frequency Generation and Hopping using SMFP-LD,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, no. 5, 5502811, Oct. 2017, 2017
[29] JW Wu, B. Nakarmi*, and YH Won, “Optically tunable microwave, millimeter-wave and submillimeter-wave utilizing single-mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode subject to optical feedback,” Optics express 24 (3), pp. 2655-2663, 2016, 2016
[28] JW Wu, B. Nakarmi, and YH Won, “Highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing in single-mode Fabry–Perot laser diode subject to dual-mode injection,” IEEE Photonics Journal 8 (2), pp.1-10, 2016, 2016
[27] B. Nakarmi*, X Zhang, and YH Won, “Experimental analysis of multi-lambda injection locking in single mode Fabry–Pérot laser diode,” Optics Communications 358, pp.24-29, 2016, 2016
[26] J Sangirov, M Rakib-Uddin, G Sangirov, IA Ukaegbu, B. Nakarmi, and TW Lee, “Design and analysis of a multichannel transceiver for high-speed optical interconnects,” Optical and Quantum Electronics 48 (1), 72, 2016, 2016
[25] T Ru-Yi, JW Wu, and B. Nakarmi, “Investigation of band-gap properties in one-dimensional ternary photonic crystals with a single defect layer,” Quantum Electronics 46 (7), 640, 2016, 2016
[24] B. Nakarmi*, X Zhang, and YH Won, “All-optical 4x10 Gbps NAND gate using single mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode, “Optics express 23 (21), pp. 26952-26961, 2015, 2015
[23] G Tu, X Zhang, Y Zhang, F Zhu, L Xia, and B. Nakarmi, “The Development of an Phi-OTDR System for Quantitative Vibration Measurement,” IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett 27 (12), 1349-1352, 2015, 2015
[22] QH Tran, B. Nakarmi, and YH Won, “An Optical Pulse-Width Modulation Generator Using a Single-Mode Fabry-Pérot Laser Diode,” Journal of the Optical Society of Korea 19 (3), pp. 255-259, 2015, 2015
[21] B. Nakarmi*, TQ Hoai, and YH Won, X Zhang, “Analysis of hysteresis width on optical bistability for the realization of optical SR flip-flop using SMFP-LDs with simultaneous inverted and non-inverted outputs,” IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (3), pp. 1-12, 2014, 2014
[20] QH Tran, B. Nakarmi, and YH Won, “Speed Enhancement of a Single-Mode FP-LD-Based Switch Using the Weak-Lock Technique,” IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (4), pp. 1-7, 2014, 2014
[19] B. Nakarmi*, TQ Hoai, and YH Won, X Zhang, “Short-pulse controlled optical switch using external cavity based single mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode,” Optics express 22 (13), pp 15424-15436, 2014, 2014
[18] QH Tran, B. Nakarmi, and YH Won, “All-optical address decoder using injection-locking property of external-cavity-based single-mode FP-LD,” IEEE Photonics Journal 5 (2), pp. 7900811-7900811, 2013, 2013
[17] JW Wu, B. Nakarmi, TQ Hoai, and YH Won, “Tunable two-color lasing emission based on Fabry-Pérot laser diode combined with external cavity feedback,” IEEE Photonics Journal 5 (1), pp.1500108-1500108, 2013, 2013
[16] JW Wu, and B. Nakarmi, “A power and wavelength detuning-dependent hysteresis loop in a single mode Fabry—Pérot laser diode,” Chinese Physics B 22 (8), 084204, 2013, 2013
[15] JW Wu, and B. Nakarmi, “Spectral Characteristic Based on Fabry—Pérot Laser Diode with Two-Stage Optical Feedback,” Chinese Physics Letters 30 (1), 014204, 2013, 2013
[14] JW Wu, B. Nakarmi, TQ Hoai, and YH Won, “Influence of wavelength detuning on the optical logic gate in side-mode injection locked single-mode Fabry–Pérot laser diode,” Optics Communications 294, pp. 233-236, 2013, 2013
[13] JW Wu, B. Nakarmi, TQ Hoai, and YH Won, “Optical bistability in side-mode injection locked dual-mode Fabry-Perot laser diode,” AIP Advances 3 (8), 082109, 2013, 2013
[12] B. Nakarmi*, M Rakib-Uddin, and YH Won, “Realization of all-optical digital comparator using single mode Fabry–Pérot laser diodes,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (19), pp. 3015-3021, 2011, 2011
[11] B. Nakarmi*, M Rakib-Uddin, and YH Won, “Realization of all-optical multi-logic functions and a digital adder with input beam power management for multi-input injection locking in a single-mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode,” Optics express 19 (15), 2011, 2011
[10] B. Nakarmi*, M Rakib-Uddin, and YH Won, “All-optical exclusive-NOR and exclusive-OR logic gate based on multi-input injection locking in single mode Fabry–Pérot laser diode,” Optical Engineering 50 (7), pp. 075201-075201-5, 2011, 2011
[9] B. Nakarmi*, M Rakib-Uddin, T. Q. Hoai, and YH Won, “Demonstration of all-optical NAND gate using single-mode Fabry–Pérot laser diode,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters; 23(4), pp. 236-238, 2011, 2010
[8] B. Nakarmi*, M Rakib-Uddin, T. Q. Hoai, and YH Won, “A simple controlled all-optical ON/OFF switch using gain modulation in single mode FP-LD,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (4), 212-214, 2011, 2010
[7] B. Nakarmi, B. Y. Song, H. N. Parajuli, I. A. Ukaegbu, W. Xiangchun and S. Pan, "Multi-Chirp Piecewise Linearly Frequency Modulated Microwave Generation Using a Semiconductor Laser," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 35, issue 15, 2023, 2023
[6] B. Nakarmi et al. "Multi-Chirp LFM Waveforms Generation With Reconfigurable Chirp Rates Using Optical Injection in a Semiconductor Laser," J. Lightwave Technology, vol. 42, issue 1, 2024, 2024
[5] A. Nurgali, B. Nakarmi, C. Molardi and I. A. Ukaegbu, "4 × 4 bit Programmable Optical Memory Array With Digital Addressing Using Micro-Ring Resonators," IEEE Access, vol. 12, 2024, 2024
[4] H. N. Parajuli, A. Ashimbayeva, J. He, U. Nakarmi, I. A. Ukaegbu, C. Molardi, and B. Nakarmi, “Neural network assisted coherent processing for band fusion of photonically generated radar bands” under review on OSA Optics Express 2024., 2024
[3] H. N. Parajuli, A. Ashimbayeva, U. Nakarmi, I. A. Ukaegbu, B. Gaudel, S. Pan, C. Molardi, and B. Nakarmi, “Multi-radar interference mitigation in photonics-based radar with sliding window LSTM recurrent neural network” under review on OSA/IEEE JLT 2024., 2024
[2] Bikash Nakarmi and et.al., “Improving range-resolution of microwave photonics radar through sub-bands fusion with adaptive feed-forward network equalizer” under review on OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 2024., 2024
[1] B. Nakarmi et al., "Target Detection Using Fused Unidentical Photonics-Based LFM Sub-Band Radar Signals With an Adaptive Feed Forward Network Equalizer," in IEEE Access, Jan. 2025,, 2025
[58] Chuanqi Fang, Vivek Raj Shrestha, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, Guanghui Ren, Bikash Nakarmi, and Shilong Pan, “A grating-assisted microring resonator for wideband filtering”, OIT2021, Chengdu, China, 2021, 2021
[57] B.Y. Song, Ikechi A Ukaegbu, Bikash Nakarmi,“Analysis of disturbances in the multi-radar environment and mitigation approaches”,SPIE COS, 2022, 2022
[56] A. Lee, Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, “Design of thermally-tuned micro-ring resonator based 4x2 encoder”, Photonics West, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, March 2022, 2022
[55] Dinmukhamedali Otynshy, Darmen Ilyas, Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi A Ukaegbu, “Silicon photonics based 1-bit digital comparator using micro-ring resonator structures, Photonics West, SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, March 2022, 2022
[54] Dias Azhigulov, Nazym Alipbayeva, Bikash Nakarmi, and Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, “5 Mbps photonic logic gates based on a pair of micro-ring resonators”, Frontiers in Optics+Laser Science 2021, Washington DC, Novemeber 2021., 2021
[53] Chuanqi Fang, Vivek Raj Shrestha, Ikechi Augustine Ukaegbu, Guanghui Ren, Bikash Nakarmi, and Shilong Pan, “A grating-assisted microring resonator for wideband filtering”, OIT2021, Chengdu, China, 2021, 2021
[52] Chuanqi Fang, Yansong Bai, Hao Chen, Ikechi A. Ukaegbu, Bikash Nakarmi, Shilong Pan, “Generation of random-hopped LFM signal based on optical injection in a DFB laser”, OIT2021, Chengdu, China, 2021, 2021
[51] B. Nakarmi and et. Al, “Linear Frequency Modulated Photonics RADAR using Injection Locking in Semiconductor Laser”, 2021 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Information Technology (ICECIT), 14–16 September 2021, 2021
[50] S. Bassi, H. Chen, L. Zhang, B. Nakarmi, and S. Pan, “Multi-Microwave Frequency Comb Generation by Injecting Modulated Beams with Negative Wavelength Detuning in a Single Mode FP-LD,” 2020 (ACP/IPOC), 2020
[49] L. Zhang, H. Chen, N. Zhu, S. Bassi, B. Nakarmi, and S. Pan, “Experimental Analysis of laser Dynamics in Single Mode FP-LD Subjected to Dual-Beam Injection,” 2020 (ACP/IPOC), 2020
[48] Hao Chen, Limin Zhang, B. Nakarmi, Snehi Bassi, and Shilong Pan “Demonstration of RF multiplier using an injection-locked laser with OEO”, Proc. SPIE 11184, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration VIII, 2019), 2019
[47] Limin Zhang, Hao Chen, Snehi Bassi, B. Nakarmi, and Shilong Pan “Analysis of red-shift in SMFP-LD with positive and negative wavelength detuning”, Proc. SPIE 11184, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration VIII, 2019, 2019
[46] B. Nakarmi, H. Chen, and S. L. Pan, “Microwave comb generation using single-mode Fabry-Perot laser diode”, Proc. SPIE 10917, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XII, 2019, 2019
[45] . Nakarmi, H. Chen, and S. L. Pan, “Experimental Analysis of Multiple Beam Injection in SMFP-LD for MultiRF Generation,” 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2018, 2018
[44] B. Nakarmi, H. Chen and S. Pan, “Negative wavelength detuning for the generation of microwave using single mode Fabry-perot laser,” 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), Singapore, 2017, 2018
[43] Lee, J., Nakarmi, B., Kim, B., Jang, W., Bang, Y., Lee, M., & Won, Y. H. “Cross slit-grooves grid structure for surface plasmon resonant sensor.” SPIE BiOS. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016, 2016
[42] Uddin, M. Rakib, Bikash Nakarmi, and Yong Hyub Won. “Waveguide side-wall angle dependant resonance of a Si micro ring-resonator.” Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2015 11th Conference on. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2015., 2015
[41] Nakarmi, Bikash, and Y. H. Won. “Effect of multi-input injection locking on hysteresis width and switching time in SMFP-LDs for short pulse switch.” SPIE OPTO. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, 2015
[40] Kim, Bong Ho, Bikash Nakarmi, and Yong Hyub Won. “Analysis of transmission through slit and multiple grooves structures for biosensors.” SPIE BiOS. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, 2015
[39] Zhang, Dongying, Bikash Nakarmi, and Xuping Zhang. “Analysis of wavelength detuning, injected power, and injected mode effect on Fabry-Perot laser diode.” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014, 2014
[38] Nakarmi, Bikash, and Y. H. Won. “Effect of wavelength detuning on hysteresis width of single mode FabryPerot laser diode and its impact on the realization of optical SR latch.” 2014 12th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014, 2014
[37] Tran, Quoc Hoai, Bikash Nakarmi, and Yong Hyub Won. “An optical pulse width modulation generator based on the injection-locking property of single mode FP-LD.” SPIE OPTO. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013., 2013
[36] u, J. W., Nakarmi, B., Zhang, X. P., & Won, Y. H. “Wavelength dependent optical switching based on sidemode injection-locked single-mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode.” International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology (OIT2013)., 2013
[35] akarmi, Bikash, M. Rakib-Uddin, and Yong Hyub Won. “Multi-input injection locking in single mode FabryPérot laser diode and its application in optical signal processing.” SPIE OPTO. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012, 2012
[34] Hoai, Tran Quoc, Bikash Nakarmi, and Yong Hyub Won. “All-optical SR latching circuit with simultaneous inverted and non-inverted outputs using fabry-perot laser diodes.” Photonics in Switching (PS), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012, 2012
[33] Nakarmi, Bikash, and Tran Quoc Hoai “Demonstration of optical multi-logic gates with single mode FabryPerot Laser diode"Photonics in Switching (PS), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012, 2012
[32] Nakarmi, Bikash, Tran Quoc Hoai, and Jian wei Wu. “All-optical 2× 4 decoder using external cavity selflocked Fabry-Perot laser diode.” Photonics in Switching (PS), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012, 2012
[31] Ukaegbu, I. A., Sangirov, J., Nakarmi, B., Lee, T. W., Cho, M. H., & Park, H. H. “Thermal effects on interconnect crosstalk of optoelectronic transmitter modules.” SPIE Optoelectronic Devices and Integration IV. Vol. 8555. 2012, 2012
[30] Wu, Jian-Wei, and Bikash Nakarmi. “All-optical modulation based on side mode injection locked multi-mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode.” Photonics Asia. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012, 2012
[29] Nakarmi, Bikash, Xuping Zhang, and Yong Hyub Won. “External cavity based single mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode and its application towards all-optical digital circuits.” Photonics Asia. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012, 2012
[28] Nakarmi, Bikash, M. Rakib-Uddin, and Yong Hyub Won. “Multi-input injection locking in single mode FabryPérot laser diode and its application in optical signal processing.” SPIE OPTO. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012, 2011
[27] Nakarmi B, Won Y H. Multi-input injection locking in a single-mode Fabry–Pérot laser for all-optical gates[J]. Optoelectron. Commun., 2012, 8284, 2011
[26] Nakarmi, Bikash, M. Rakib-Uddin, and Yong Hyub Won. “Demonstration of all-optical two-bit digital comparator using self-locked Fabry-Perot laser diode.” SPIE OPTO. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012, 2012
[25] Nakarmi, Bikash, M. Rakib-Uddin, and Yong Hyub Won. “Demonstration of all-optical half-adder using single mode fabry-perot laser diode.” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim. Optical Society of America, 2011, 2011
[24] Nakarmi, Bikash, et al"All-optical logic gates (NAND and AND) based on multi-injection in single mode FabryPerot Laser.”Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2011 Conference on. IEEE, 2011, 2011
[23] Nakarmi, Bikash, M. Rakib-Uddin, and Yong Hyub Won. “Realization of all-optical bit-equality checking function using Fabry-Perot lasers.” Quantum Electronics Conference & Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC/PACIFIC RIM), 2011. IEEE, 2011, 2011
[22] Nakarmi, Bikash, M. Rakib Uddin, and Yong Hyub Won. “Demonstration of all-optical switch by directly modulated single mode Fabry-Perot laser diode.” Optical Internet (COIN), 2010 9th International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, 2010
[21] Uddin, M. R., Hoai, T. Q., Nakarmi, B., & Won, Y. H. “Simultaneous inverted and non-inverted outputs alloptical flip-flop using Fabry-Perot laser diodes.” Optical Internet (COIN), 2010 9th International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, 2010
[20] Rakib-Uddin, M., Hoai, T. Q., Nakarmi, B., & Won, Y. H. “Optical SR latch demonstration using injectionlocked single-mode FP-LD.” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. Optical Society of America, 2010, 2010
[19] Rakib-Uddin, M., Hoai, T. Q., Nakarmi, B., & Won, Y. H. “All-optical 1x2 switch using Fabry-Perot laser diodes.” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2010, 2010
[18] Rakib-Uddin, M., Hoai, T. Q., Nakarmi, B., & Won, Y. H. “All-optical ON-OFF switch using a single-mode Fabry-Perot laser diode.” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition. Optical Society of America, 2010, 2010
[17] Newaz, S. S., Lee, J., Bae, Y., Nakarmi, B., & Choi, J. "Pseudo Handoff Call Elimination Capable Call Admission Control Scheme for Soft Handoff in CDMA Networks”. In Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2010-Fall), 2010 IEEE 72nd (pp. 1-5). IEEE, 2010
[16] Uddin, M. R., Nakarmi, B., Lim, J. S., & Won, Y. H. “4× 4 all-optical wavelength converters using a single Fabry-Perot laser diode.” Photonics in Switching, 2009. PS’09. International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 2009
[15] E. Onyejegbu, A. Lee, A. Ashimbayeva, B. Nakarmi and I. A. Ukaegbu, "Analysis and Mitigation of Interference in a Multi-RADAR Environment," 2023 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2023, 2023
[14] Alisher Akhmet, Almar Gaziz, Nazym Alipbayeva, Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi A. Ukaegbu, "High-speed silicon waveguide 3-to-8 decoder based on electro-optic effects," Proc. SPIE 12426, Silicon Photonics XVIII, 124260P (13 March 2023), 2023
[13] A. Turekhanov, S. Nwigbo, A. Lee, B. Nakarmi and I. A. Ukaegbu, "Photonically Generated Waveforms Based on Single and Double Injection in a Semiconductor Laser for RADAR Applications," 2023 7th IEEE EDTM, Seoul, Korea, 2023, 2023
[12] Dinmukhammedali Otynshy, Nazym Alipbayeva, Assylkhan Nurgali, Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi A. Ukaegbu, "Silicon photonics micro-ring resonator-based SR latch for optical memory applications," Smart Photonic and Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits 2023, 2023
[11] Assylkhan Nurgali, Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi A. Ukaegbu, "Transfer function analysis of Si-photonics based add-drop micro-ring resonator for high-speed applications," Nonlinear Optics and Applications XIII, 1256908 (5 June 2023), 2023
[10] H. N. Parajuli, B. Nakarmi, A. Ashimbayeva and I. A. Ukaegbu, "Interference-Resistant Photonically Generated Orthogonal Pair Multi-Chirp-LFM Waveform," 2023 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Nanjing, China, 2023, 2023
[9] H. N. Parajuli, A. Ashimbayeva, B. Nakarmi and I. A. Ukaegbu, "Enhancing Detection Performance of Multi-band Photonic Radars Through Band Fusion With Coherent Processing," 2023 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Nanjing, China, 2023, 2023
[8] Parajuli, H.N., Bakhtiyarov, G., Nakarmi, B., Ukaegbu, I.A, "Interference Mitigation in Multi-radar Environment Using LSTM-Based Recurrent Neural Network," Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2023, Springer, Cham., 2023
[7] Assylkhan Nurgali, Carlo Molardi, Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi A. Ukaegbu, "Photonic micro-ring resonator design and analysis using machine learning techniques," Silicon Photonics XIX, March 2024, 2024
[6] Nazym Alipbayeva, Kadirbek Rakhimberdiyev, Almas Adilgazyuly, Bikash Nakarmi, Carlo Molardi, Ikechi A. Ukaegbu, "Investigation of optical bi-stability in micro-ring resonator structures," Silicon Photonics XIX, March 2024, 2024
[5] S. M. R. Islam, H. N. Parajuli, I. A. Ukaegbu, C. Molardi, , S. Pan, and B. Nakarmi, “Photonics-based Optimized Multi-chirp Waveform Design Under the Presence of Interference using PSO Algorithm”, submitted for OECC, Melbourne, July,2024, 2024
[4] H. N. Parajuli, A. Ashimbayeva, I. A. Ukaegbu, C. Molardi, S. Pan, and B. Nakarmi, “Mitigating Multi-Radar Interference in Photonic Radar with Nonlinear Deep Neural Network”, submitted for OECC, Melbourne, July, 2024, 2024
[3] H. N. Parajuli et al., "Reservoir computing-based recurrent neural network for mitigating interference in multi-radar environment of photonics radars", Proc. SPIE 13365, THz, RF, mm and Submm-Wave Tech. and App. XVIII, 2025, 2025
[2] A. Ashimbayeva et al.,"Enhancing Resolution with LSTM-RNN-based band fusion in microwave photonic radar systems", Proc. SPIE 13365, THz, RF, mm and submm-Wave Tech. and App. XVIII, 2025, 2025
[1] Y. Zhumabekov et al.,"Machine learning-based object classification using mm-wave radar at 77GHz-81GHz", Proc. SPIE 13365, THz, RF, mm and submm-Wave Tech. and App. XVIII, 2025, 2025
[15] Bikash Nakarmi and et.al., “Overview of linear frequency modulated RADARs”, IEEE ICECIT, Bangladesh, 2021, 2021
[14] Bikash Nakarmi, "SMFP-LDs and its applications in Digital Photonics and Microwave Photonics", NU-2019, Kazakhstan, 2019
[13] Bikash Nakarmi, "External cavity based Fabry-Perot lasers and its applications", CUT-19, Chongqing, China, 2019
[12] Bikash Nakarmi, S Bassi, H Chen, L Zhang, S Pan” RF signal generation, hopping and switching based on negative wavelength detuning in SMFP-LDs”, OSA CIOP 2019., 2019
[11] Bikash Nakarmi, H. Chen, and S. L. Pan “Single mode Fabry-Perot laser diode and its application on digital and microwave photonics”, SPIE Photonics Asia 2018., 2018
[10] Yong Hyub Won, Bikash Nakarmi, & Bong Ho Kim Invited presentation on Workshop on Mobile Healthcare, University of Tokyo in collaboration of KAIST, “Non-invasive glucose detection techniques for Diabetes” Nov, 2014., 2019
[9] Bikash Nakarmi, “All-optical logic gates and combinational circuit using SMFP-LDs”, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 2013, 2013
[8] Bikash Nakarmi, Xuping Zhang, and Yong Hyub Won, “External cavity-based single mode Fabry-Pérot laser diode and its application towards all-optical digital circuits.” SPIE Photonics ASIA, Beijing, Nov 5-7, 2012., 2012
[7] Jian Wei Wu, and Bikash Nakarmi, “All-optical modulation based on the multi-mode Fabry- Perot laser diode”, SPIE Photonics ASIA, Beijing, Nov 5-7, 2012, 2012
[6] Bikash Nakarmi, and Yong Hyub Won, “Multi-input injection locking in single-mode Fabry- Perot laser for all-optical logic gates”, SPIE Newsroom, Optoelectronics and communication, Dec. 19, 2011, 2011
[5] Bikash Nakarmi, Jamshid Sangirov, M. Rakib-Uddin, Yong Hyub Won, “Efficient approach towards energy: Minimized optical network”, ITU-T workshop: “ICTs: Building the green city of the future” United Nations Pavilion, shanghai Expo 2010, 2010, 2010
[4] Bikash Nakarmi, Ikechi Augustine, Shilong Pan, "Photonics-Based Robust Waveform For Mitigating The Interference In A Multi-RADAR Environment", EUROPL2023, Paris France, June28-30, 2023, 2023
[3] Bikash Nakarmi, “Photonics RADARs and Interference Mitigation Techniques in Multi-radar Environment”, Guest Lecture for IEEE chapter Kazaksthan, 2023., 2023
[2] Bikash Nakarmi, “Overview of interference in radar environment and its mitigation through photonically generated robust waveform”, Invited talk in Workshop on Electronics Communication Engineering 2023, SPIE, 2023
[1] Bikash Nakarmi, “Enchancing Output Performance of Microwave Photonics Radar Through Deep Learning”, Keynote Address in IEEE 5Nano2024, Chennai, India, April 2024, 2024