Fundamental of Optical Engineering

Publish on : 1970-Jan-01-Thu

Objective: The main aim of this course is to equip students with the understanding of the basics of optical engineering, the principle involves in optical technology in modern society, and implement to solve real solutions. The objective of this course is not only to teach but also to develop the student’s capacity to analyze the contents of topics, idea generation for solving problems, and develop the habits of writing research papers.

During this course, students should research the different fields of optical applications, which are of their interest. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to analyze the basic optical system and present some of the research work based on optical devices for the applications they are interested in and should be able to present the analytical paper.


Text Books:

(1)  Optics by Eugene Hech

(2) Optical Engineering Fundamentals by Bruce H. Walker

(3) Photonics Rules of Thumb by J. L. Miller and Ed Friedman

(4) Fundamental of Photonics by Saleh and Tech

(5) Other related timely and recent Journal papers

Evaluation Method:

·      Regular results (including homework and classroom performance) accounted for 20%

·      Midterm examination accounted for 20%

·      Final exam (open book test) accounted for 20%.

·      Research papers accounted for 40%

Chapter objectives:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Optics (course overview):

This chapter provides a basic understanding of optics, and photonics, how it is different from electronics (the advantages of Photonics and challenges), and present their implementation for real application scenario. With the completion of this chapter, students will be able to grasp the fundamental of optics, possibilities, and their contribution to shaping future technology.

Chapter 2: Photons and Light:

In this chapter, we will extensively discuss the generation of photons and light. We analyze the metal, insulators, and semiconductors basics and discuss some of the semiconductors used for the light sources.

Chapter 3: Sign Conventions and Image Formations with Mirrors and Lens:

We discuss the sign conventions with mirrors, lenses, images, and the combination of light systems. The ray tracing is also done in this chapter for the formations of images along with the paraxial, meridional rays, optical path differences, and others.

Chapter 4: Mathematical Matrixes analysis of mirrors, lens, and the optical system:

We analyze the basic mathematics behind the optics and wave optics in this chapter. Students will be able to analyze optics systems mathematically with the completion of this chapter.

Chapter 5: Light propagation in the medium (diffraction, dispersion, losses)

The basic properties of light as discussed in this chapter in a medium and how it interacts with a different medium. The important properties that should be considered in analyzing any optical system are analyzed.

Chapter 6: Optical Fiber and Theory:

In this chapter, different components needed for optical and electronic communications and project work related to optical sources are discussed. Also, various factors affecting the signal quality and the way to overcome them are discussed.

Chapter 7: Basic Optical components (prisms, gratings, polarizers, amplifier, and others)

The properties of light can be changed according to our desire and requirements. We will see a different types of optical components that can be used to change the basic properties of light.

 Chapter 8: Light sources (LEDs, Lasers)

The properties of LEDs and LASERs will be analyzed and how it differs from each other. In this chapter, different types of lasers and their basic properties are also discussed.

Chapter 9: Light Detectors (Photodiodes)

Basics construction, operation, and the principle of light detectors are discussed. We will see how the PD can be used in the system to detect the light sources and change to the electrical domain.

Chapter 10: Simple optical design considerations

The design steps will be discussed in this chapter and will equip students with the design procedures and the factors to be considered while designing.

 Chapter 11: Basic structure of optical communication

The basic block diagram of the optical communication system will be discussed here with different modulation formats. The basics of Rx and Tx and the signal propagation will be analyzed.

 Chapter 13: Optical engineering for sensors

In this section, we focus mainly on the use of optics and photonics in the field of sensors. The sensors for structure monitoring, to chemical sensing to differentiate different types of chemicals and further extended to the sensors used for biomedicine. The advantages of photonic sensors will be discussed at the end.

Final Two classers: paper presentation and demonstration:

Two lecture units will be separated for the presentation from the students regarding the project works they need to do during this course. It consists of developing ideas, making a framework for implementation, and verifying either by simulation works but mostly preferred by the simple project works and reporting with a final term paper.

   ·       Fundamental of scientific writing

   ·    Develop the culture of a group working

   ·    Develop the skill of critical thinking and analysis

   ·   Develop the skill of presentation



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